Deep gratitude, May 3, 1930

[3 V 1930]

Gentlemen! I am deeply moved to be standing before you today, in order to express my heartfelt gratitude for an honor given to me. Memories from the past vividly live on, even memories from over sixty years ago, when I saw Warsaw for the first time, until today. There were so many historic events starting from the 1863 Uprising until the 1905 Revolution, to the World War, during which I had lived there, to the day when the Russians left Warsaw at night, and the Germans arrived in the morning. It was followed by the Rebirth of Poland, Resurrection and Easter in 1919, and quiet organization of the Polish State in all areas …

Poland was created from the sea of tears and blood, after the night, we had a wonderful morning! Today, this capital gives me an award, which is even more precious, since I have always thought about myself as the child of Warsaw. Therefore, I want to say that I am overcome with emotion and I want to express my deep gratitude!...